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  From: John Weismiller <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 19:59:30 +0000 (   )

Keys & leds & bell & input driver stuffs

Hello all,

I'm progressing pretty well on the lk201/lk401 keyboard driver, but I have
some questions on the basics of gii. 

First, what is the best way to encode the labels with the modifiers to
form the sym field of the key event?  A presume that the best approach
would be to use a table?  Perhaps one table for each label with the shift
modifier down, one for caps, and one for control?

Next, my keyboard has some neato features, such as keyclick, bell, leds,
etc, all of which X supports.  Does XGGI implement these?  Can these be
done via an input driver on libgii?  I guess that some sort of event must
be sent to the input driver?  A command event perhaps?

One thing that I am unclear about is the GIIsendevent callback function of
the gii_input structure.  (I just cut and pasted this one. Thank you,
original author :)  By the name, I presume that this is used for sending
events.  However, it looks to me like it is for processing events that are
send by the application or another device?  Can someone please clarify
this to me?  (It looks to me like this is what I am interested in for the
keyclick, bell, etc)

Anyways, if anybody would like a copy of what I have done so far, please
say so!  I don't know how many people would actually be interested in such
an exotic (from pc user point of view) keyboard though. 


John Weismiller, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
email:, ICQ 12833806.

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