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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 17:15:44 +0000

Re: Norwegian keymap for XGGI 1.6.1 + bug?

Ketil Froyn wrote:
> Hi.
> I've completed the norwegian keymap for XGGI, and I have included it in
> this mail. It was made with XGGI 1.6.1.

Ok, thanks. Afaics there might be some redundant things in there though.
Could you try the attached keymap and see if anything breaks?

> (I have put
> "keycode 119 = Mode_switch" in here, and that seems to work fine. Is
> there some reason I'm missing that this should be run later?).

No, it's just some historic stuff in the README.

> I've noticed a few things while I've been using XGGI 1.6.1 that probably
> shouldn't be there. When I change consoles, (ALT-Fx), this keycombo is
> sent to the active X window, causing emacs to divide into 2 or writing
> "~x" in my Eterm window.

Ok, this should probably be fixed.

> Also, CTRL-left/right doesn't have any effect in XGGI, but it should
> change consoles to the left/right.

Not in X, but for apps which doesn't use GII_CTRLALT_VTSWITCH, yes we 
should add that.

> I don't know if this is a ggi or an xggi problem, though.

GGI problem, XGGI doesn't know anything about consoles.

> And I'm seeming to have some trouble making xggi die when I press
> Ctrl-Alt-BS. I tried both of my CTRL-keys, but neither worked. I
> haven't read any docs for the new version yet, so this might well
> be my own fault. :)

Please check with inputdump on the console and xev in XGGI what they
think your control keys are.

> I can see the accelleration is taking effect on my Matrox Mill. I, and
> that is nice :)
> And one last question: can I run XGGI under X? How?

Type 'XGGI :<n>' in an x terminal window. ;) (Where <n> is a number
different from the display number of the X-server you wish to run
XGGI under (usually 0).)

> And if I'd like to run
> multiheading under X (so I get 2 windows with X under X), is that
> possible? Just curious, I don't *need* this :)

Just use the -targets option to spefify multiple targets to run on.
As the X target is the default under X you can just use
-targets "():()"
to have two windows. By default you can have 9 simultaneous screens,
if you need more you can just recompile XGGI as stated in the README.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

! xggimap.no_no -	Norwegian override keymap for XGGI
! This keymap gives you a Norwegian keymap on targets that have Norwegian
! keymapping.

keycode 119	= Mode_switch

keycode 137	= 0	equal		braceright	degree
keycode 138	= 1	exclam
keycode 139	= 2	quotedbl	at		oneeighth
keycode 140	= 3	numbersign	sterling	sterling
keycode 141	= 4	currency	dollar
keycode 142	= 5	percent		onehalf		threeeighths
keycode 143	= 6	ampersand	threequarters	fiveeighths
keycode 144	= 7	slash		braceleft	seveneighths
keycode 145	= 8	parenleft	bracketleft	trademark
keycode 146	= 9	parenright	bracketright	plusminus

keycode 147	= a	A		ae		AE
keycode 148	= b	B		rightdoublequotemark apostrophe
keycode 149	= c	C		cent		copyright
keycode 150	= d	D		eth		ETH
! Euro symbol requires a recent XFree version
!keycode 151	= e	E		EuroSign
keycode 152	= f	F		dstroke		ordfeminine
keycode 153	= g	G		eng		ENG
keycode 154	= h	H		hstroke		Hstroke
keycode 155	= i	I		rightarrow	idotless

keycode 157	= k	K		kra		ampersand
keycode 158	= l	L		lstroke		Lstroke
keycode 159	= m	M		mu		masculine

keycode 161	= o	O		oslash		Ooblique
keycode 162	= p	P		thorn		THORN
keycode 163	= q	Q		at		Greek_OMEGA
keycode 164	= r	R		paragraph	registered
keycode 165	= s	S		ssharp		section
keycode 166	= t	T		tslash		Tslash
keycode 167	= u	U		downarrow	uparrow
keycode 168	= v	V		leftdoublequotemark grave
keycode 169	= w	W		lstroke		Lstroke
keycode 170	= x	X		guillemotright	greater
keycode 171	= y	Y		leftarrow	yen
keycode 172	= z	Z		guillemotleft	less

keycode 206	= minus		underscore

keycode 211	= apostrophe	asterisk
keycode 212	= backslash	dead_grave	apostrophe
keycode 213	= less		greater
keycode 214	= comma		semicolon
keycode 215	= period	colon
keycode 218	= plus	question
keycode 223	= asciitilde	asciicircum
keycode 231	= bar		section

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