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  From: Jim Meier <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 02:25:27 -0600

GGIwrapper for python finally ready.

After a bit of struggle with work schedules, python extension writing,
and learning that variable-argument functions in C are just plain _bad_,
my GGIwrapper for python is ready for public scrutiny. There are many
rough and unfinished corners, but it is certainly useful to play with,
and I personally have used it to make useful applications (a sort of
hypercard clone).

It's sitting in the "incoming" directory at right
now. Please tell me what you think and how it could be improved.. I am
eager for both suggestions and criticism.

There is a quick and dirty README file in the archive, but we all know
how to dig into the source to find out how it works... (in other words,
i have only four hour left to sleep before work. ask me if you want
explainations! :)

see you in the AM..

You know it's time to rethink your design when you can't debug your

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