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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 18:49:32 +0000

Re: XGGI 1.6.1 - bug report

Christoph Egger wrote:
> > > XGGI works as I expect till I start an application like the
> > > kvt. The app starts, but XGGI switches to the lower resolution of 640x480.
> > > Only the colordepth keeps.
> >
> > WHAT ? What does kvt do ? AFAIK xggi will _never_ modeswitch all by itself.
> > I assume kvt is bypassing xggi and talking to the fbdev underneath. Evil.
> OK - I've played with XGGI a bit around. XGGI switches to the lower
> resolution of 640x480 _after_ I started the "konsole" - program, which is
> based on kvt. And "konsole" is the _only_ one, which this causes. _All_
> _other_ programs works fine.

Sounds like a bug in fbcon triggered when an app opens /dev/console or
Just two things to do - either don't run konsole or pray that someone
fixes fbcon in Linux 2.3...

> "kvt" itself breaks with an error:
> kvt: could not chown /dev/ttyp1. Please check SUID bit.

Not XGGI, LibGGI or fbcon related.

> The error is shown on the console I started XGGI.
> And the german keyboard is _not_ correctly.

And you did set the keymap as stated in the README?

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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