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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  : Marcus Sundberg <>
  Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:26:07 +0200 (MEST)

XGGI 1.6.1 - bug report


I've just installed XGGI 1.6.1 and the latest ggi-snapshot 990521.
XGGI starts fine on the fbdev-target using 1024x768 at 8bpp resolution
(How can I use 32bpp?).
As window-manager I am using KDE 1.1

XGGI works as I expect till I start an application like the
kvt. The app starts, but XGGI switches to the lower resolution of 640x480.
Only the colordepth keeps.

Christoph Egger

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