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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 01:05:11 +0200

Re: Some precision about raster operation (Was RE: some though ab out raster operations)

> > As simple as a truetype font ???
> BS]  Yes, the rendering engine take everything in
> charge. Just give it a bitmap or a raster then let him work. This is device
> independant so has nothing to do with GGI. Seeing from application, we gets
> a pixmap that we must copy to the main target (with a ggiCrossBlit). For the
> GGI specific part it is not more difficult than a 

Yes - but I was not only talking about the complexity of the code to _call_
some library function, but about overall complexity of the task and thus
total library size.

Note, that if we included TrueType support in the core LibGGI, we would have 
to link it with the freetype lib.
If we start this, we'll soon have to link with Mesa.

For an extension this is no problem. And if it is done as I have in mind, 
one could even avoid having to link the base extension lib with freetype,
but only a plugin rendering lib.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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