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  From: teunis <>
  To  : GGI Developers <>
  Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 04:16:24 -0700 (MST)

Mouse: Error reading mouse: Resource temporarily unavailable

Mouse: Error reading mouse: Resource temporarily unavailable

this error message is always received on any amount of data coming in from
/dev/gpmdata pipethrough.  (/dev/gpmdata is a FIFO buffer iirc)

This -was- fixed before.

Why is this message back?
(as near as I can tell just disabling the errormessage fixed it before)

Watching this scroll by -every- slightest movement of the mouse is
highly... irritating.

Could this -please- be fixed for once and for all... and a note placed?
This only seems to show up when I use GPM as the mouse pipethrough (which
I -always- do as it's used for coordinating X as well... though as I'm
using XGGI it's no longer such a big deal)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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