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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 16:55:41 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Some though about raster operation.

> IMHO, the ggiCopyBox and ggiCrossBlit are not enough to the high level
> application.

Yes. They are not intended for that.

> There are some raster operation which are missing (some of them are defined
> in the svgalib.h).

Yes. LibGGI2d is intended to be used for higher level needs like raster

> It is worth ?	This copybox speeds up copy vertical part of the screen
> (whole width) from one frame to another.

I don't think that is a very common operation - is it ?
We could still do it, but it's probably not worth the bother.

> Could we do some generic subroutine which do basic operations which are the
> same from 8 16 24 32 bpp (except for the number of bytes).

That is pretty much what the generic stubs do.

> Could be done like, generic_ggiCopyBox(*vis, x,y,w,h,nx,ny).
> The size of the pixels are already stored in the visual, so maybe could we
> retrieve this value from the internal and use it to do our computations ?

Why would one want to do so ? If we use it with the sublib stuff we have,
we don't have to care about the size, as we know it due to the fact that
the code has been loaded and is executing.

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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