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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 19:47:04 +0000

Re: matrox mystique and ggi wrote:
> > Ok, I enabled it in kernel.  But when I tried to run quake 2, it SCREWED
> > up that console bad, and I had to switch over to the next one to do
> > stuff(Till I reboot).
> Yes. SVGAlib doesn't work well with a console that is already in a graphical
> mode.

Especially not with Matrox cards as they are completely unsupported.

> And in case you still had the SVGAlib wrapper installed: this one very
> probably needs some environment variables to be set, before quake works
> with it. I'll forward to the ML, so they can give feedback.

All environment variables are listed in the README of the SVGAlib

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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