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  From: Gernot Ziegler <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 17:09:36 +0200 (MET DST)

Using Directbuffer write pointer in kernel

Hi !

I am just trying to improve my tool application for a video card with GGI
I would like to pass the DirectBuffer->write address to a kernel module,
which then writes it to my PCI video card, which in its turn writes the
digitized video signal to my graphics card (Complicated sentence, I know
;) ). 

But the address I get from DirectBuffer seems to be a userspace address,
and this is nothing the kernel module can write directly to the video

I suspect this has something to do with userspace->kernel space
conversion, but I have no clue about these things  - is there any
possibility to realize this conversion, either in the user space program
or in the kernel module ? 

Thanks for the help ! :-)

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