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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 16:45:44 +0200

Re: XGGI & keymaps

> I've been setting up a norwegian keymap, and now I'm more or less done.
> There are only a few problems I've been having:
> Backspace and Delete have the same keycode... I don't like that. Neither
> will any other Norwegian, I suspect. I don't know about you Swedes and
> Germans :)

Hmm - that doesn't happen for me. They have different codes. 130 and 135
to be precise.

Do you happen to have those mapped to the same symbol on your linux 
console ?

> The key to the left of '1' and over 'Tab' doesn't even give xev a
> reaction. 

Confirmed. Same here.

Marcus - how does the keymapping of xggi work again ? Could you give me
a quick reminder ? IIRC it goes incoming "label"->pseudo-keycode->
normal X mechanisms - right ?

In that case we'll have to add "^" aka 0x5e to the table, as on a german
keyboard the key he's talking about contains ^ and that little superscript
circle some languages use as accent or standalong as "degree" symbol.

> Can I do something about that? When I press it, nothing happens.
> I know for a fact that the key works under XFree_SVGA. It should be
> something like
> keycode xxx	= bar	paragraph

That would mean we'd need "|" as well - right ?

> PrintScreen doesn't have a keycode either (like the one above).

Same here. wait ... that one produces 0x1c for me.

> And last, the MS-keys on both sides have the same keycode. Perhaps this i
> is normal, I don't know.

Same for me. That is probably related to the fact, that one usually doesn't
map them in the linux console keymaps.

CU, Andy

P.S.: Marcus - I attach an updated .de_de keymap that corrects two slight
glitches. You'll probably want to include them in 1.6.1.

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

! xggimap.de_de -	German override keymap for XGGI
! This keymap gives you a German keymap on targets that have German
! keymapping.

keycode 137	= 0	equal		braceright
keycode 138	= 1	exclam
keycode 139	= 2	quotedbl	twosuperior
keycode 140	= 3	section		threesuperior
keycode 141	= 4	dollar
keycode 142	= 5	percent
keycode 143	= 6	ampersand
keycode 144	= 7	slash		braceleft
keycode 145	= 8	parenleft	bracketleft
keycode 146	= 9	parenright	bracketright

! Euro symbol requires a recent XFree version
!keycode 151	= e	E		EuroSign
keycode 159	= m	M		mu
keycode 163	= q	Q		at

keycode 204	= ssharp	question	backslash	questiondown

keycode 214	= comma		semicolon
keycode 215	= period	colon		periodcentered	division
keycode 218	= plus		asterisk	dead_tilde	dead_macron
keycode 221	= numbersign	apostrophe	dead_grave

keycode 119	= Mode_switch
keycode 211	= dead_acute	dead_grave	

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