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  From: Mike McQuade <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 21:23:49 -0700


I would like to run the demos from "libggi2d", but
they seem to not want to run for me.

When I try and run, this is what I get:

# ./demo
Asking for mode (0x0 [0x0]  0bpp)
display-fbdev: ioctl(VT_GETSTATE) failed: Invalid argument
Got mode (640x480 [640x480])

I am using the ggi-devel-990515.tar.gz release.

does anyone have a LibGGI2D based sample like
the demo's that works ?

Or does the above mentioned libggi2d demo work for you ?

I would like to investigate writing an application
that would use libggi2d.

Thank You

Mike McQuade

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