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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:17:36 +0000

Re: Fonts & XGGI

Ketil Froyn wrote:
> Hi.
> I have finally got XGGI up and running, after I got my mouse working. Now
> I want to get the keymaps right. I copied xggimap.se_se to xggimap.no_no,
> and started there. Everything was very easy until some of the fonts seem
> not to show up. When I assign for example oslash to a key, it refuses to
> show. When I assign something else to a key, the key works fine. So I'm
> assuming I'm dealing with fonts and font-paths here. And that (I think)
> leads me on to my question: How do I define font-paths with
> XGGI(questionmark)

This is done by using the '-fp' command line option. You can see a full
list of commandline options with 'XGGI -help'

> And where can I find what keycode is what key on the keyboard(questionmark)
> Is that part of the GGI or GII source(questionmark)

This depends on what keymap the LibGGI target is using and can't be
documented for all possible cases. You can use the 'xev' utility to
find out the keycode of any key.

> Other than that, I' d just like to mention that using matroxfb and XGGI,
> the X server is a lot slower than XF86_SVGA. I'm running in the exact same
> mode, and accel is on,

What do you mean "accel is on"? There is not way to turn off accel in

> and I can really see a clear difference.
> I don't want to complain, but I seem to recall being told that I wouldn't
> notice much difference. :)
> OBTW: I have a Matrox Millenium I, xggi-1.6.0 (fullsource),
> libggi-2.0beta2

Beta2 did not have any acceleration on matroxfb, so there's no wonder
it's slow... ;) Upgrade to beta2.1 which will be released in a few
days and you'll get acceleration. Ofcourse it won't be as fast as
XF86_SVGA for Matrox boards, simply because XGGI is not a fully 
accelerated X-server and Matrox are the most accelerated cards in
XFree, but there will be a very noticable improvement to unaccelerated
XGGI (or XF86_FBDev).

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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