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  From: Ketil Froyn <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:51:01 +0200 (MET DST)

Fonts & XGGI

I have finally got XGGI up and running, after I got my mouse working. Now
I want to get the keymaps right. I copied xggimap.se_se to xggimap.no_no,
and started there. Everything was very easy until some of the fonts seem
not to show up. When I assign for example oslash to a key, it refuses to
show. When I assign something else to a key, the key works fine. So I'm
assuming I'm dealing with fonts and font-paths here. And that (I think)
leads me on to my question: How do I define font-paths with
XGGI(questionmark) And where can I find what keycode is what key on the
keyboard(questionmark) Is that part of the GGI or GII
source(questionmark) I installed those from RPM, and I'd rather not
download them unless I have to.

Other than that, I' d just like to mention that using matroxfb and XGGI,
the X server is a lot slower than XF86_SVGA. I'm running in the exact same
mode, and accel is on, and I can really see a clear difference.
I don't want to complain, but I seem to recall being told that I wouldn't
notice much difference. :)
OBTW: I have a Matrox Millenium I, xggi-1.6.0 (fullsource), 

Ketil Froyn
He who Laughs, Lasts.

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