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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 17:54:30 -0700 (PDT)

fbdev/linvtsw problem

	I have been seeing this problem for a while now, and since I just did
a fresh degas checkout and install on my box which was just upgraded from
Redhat 5.2 to 6.0 and the problem is still present I guess I'd better bring
it up.  The problem is that I cannot run any GGI apps using the fbdev target
unless I am root.  I have set the permissions on /dev/fbx correctly.  Another
odd thing is that XGGI 1.6.0 still works fine!  Only programs built against
LibGGI within the last month or so on my system exhibit this behavior.  

	What happens is that the program hangs until I do a VT switch,
whereupon I get a signal 11 error message when I switch back and the program
has terminated.  Using the X target, everything works fine.  Wierd.  I'm
using the vesafb/2.2.5-15 (redhat 6.0 default kernel), but it happens even if
I load a KGIcon driver.  It is easy to get around the problem by running 
everything as root, but that shouldn't be necessary.  Anway....

Here's the GGI_DEBUG=255 output (demo.c):

LibGII: Debugging=255
LibGGI: Debugging=255
LibGGI: ggiOpen("display-fbdev") called
LibGGI: Loading driver display-fbdev
LibGGI: _ggiAddDL(0x804e9a8, "display-fbdev", "(null)", 0x1) called
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/", 0x1) called 
LibGGI: hand.handle=0x804ecf8
LibGGI: hand.init=0x40134e1c
LibGGI: hand.cleanup=0x401355cc
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL returned 0x804eff0
LibGGI: display-fbdev: GGIdlinit start.
LibGGI: display-fbdev: Using VT 2.
LibGGI: display-fbdev: Determined VT 2 is on FB 0
LibGGI: _ggiAddDL(0x804e9a8, "helper-linux-vtswitch", "(null)", 0x0) called
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/", 0x0) called 
LibGGI: hand.handle=0x804f868
LibGGI: hand.init=0x4002460c
LibGGI: hand.cleanup=0x40024760
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL returned 0x804fba8
LibGGI: L/vtswitch: Using VT 2.

...and here's where it hangs up.  After switching away and back again, I 
see the following:

LibGGI: L/vtswitch: open OK.
LibGGI: 0 = dlh->init(0x804e9a8,"(null)",0xbffeca74) - helper-linux-vtswitch
LibGII: Allocating input structure
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAllocate(0x804fc40) called
LibGII: Got queue_set: 0x804fdc8
LibGII: giiOpen adding "linux-kbd", "/dev/tty2", (nil)
LibGII: _giiLoadDL("linux-kbd","(NULL)") called 
LibGII: hand.handle=0x804fe60
LibGII: hand.init=0x4013b9e8
LibGII: _giiLoadDL returned 0x8050190
LibGII: linux_kbd starting.(args="/dev/tty2",argptr=(nil))
LibGII: Linux-kbd: opening tty
LibGII: Linux-kbd: calling tcgetattr()
LibGII: Linux-kbd: calling tcsetattr()
LibGII: Linux-kbd: going to MEDIUMRAW mode
LibGII: Linux-kbd: init OK.
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAdd(0x804fc40, 0xbffec454) called
LibGII: _giiEvQueueSetup() called
LibGII: _giiEvQueueSetup alloced 0x80509a8
LibGII: Adding event type 1, size 116 at pos 0
LibGII: linux_kbd fully up
LibGII: 0=dlh->init(0x804fc40,"/dev/tty2",(nil)) - linux-kbd
LibGII: _giiUpdateCache(0x804fc40) called
LibGII: Found fd: 6 
LibGII: Allocating input structure
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAllocate(0x80529b8) called
LibGII: Got queue_set: 0x8052b40
LibGII: giiOpen adding "linux-mouse", "auto", 0xbffecae4
LibGII: _giiLoadDL("linux-mouse","(NULL)") called 
LibGII: hand.handle=0x8052bd8
LibGII: hand.init=0x40140a54
LibGII: _giiLoadDL returned 0x8052f18
LibGII: linux_mouse starting.(args="auto",argptr=0xbffecae4)
LibGII: linux_mouse: prot=`ps2' dev=`/dev/mouse' opts=`'
LibGII: linux-mouse: Opened mouse file '/dev/mouse' ReadOnly.
LibGII: Allocating input structure
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAllocate(0x8052f78) called
LibGII: Got queue_set: 0x8053100
LibGII: giiOpen adding "input-mouse", "9,ps2", (nil)
LibGII: _giiLoadDL("input-mouse","(NULL)") called 
LibGII: hand.handle=0x8053190
LibGII: hand.init=0x40143a90
LibGII: _giiLoadDL returned 0x80534b0
LibGII: -22=dlh->init(0x8052f78,"9,ps2",(nil)) - input-mouse
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy(0x8052f78) called
LibGII: Desttroying 0x8053100, 0x8053104
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 0, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 1, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 2, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 3, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 4, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 5, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 6, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 7, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 8, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 9, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 10, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 11, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 12, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 13, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy done
LibGII: linux_mouse cleanup
LibGII: tcsetattr failed.
LibGII: linux_mouse: exit OK.
Terminating on signal 11
LibGII: Linux-kbd cleanup

LibGII: Linux-kbd: exit OK.

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