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  From: Christoph Reichenbach <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 15:35:37 +0200

libggi troubles on sparc-sun-solaris2.5


I'm having troubles with GGI on Solaris. The problem occurs when I try
run a program compiled for libggi (snapshot 05/11) over an ssh
ggiOpen() opens a visual (an empty X window), but does not return.

Setting GGI_DEBUG=255 produced the following output:

LibGII: Debugging=255
LibGGI: Debugging=255
LibGGI: ggiOpen("display-x:saturn:5.0") called
LibGGI: Loading driver display-x:saturn:5.0
LibGGI: _ggiAddDL(392a00, "display-x", "saturn:5.0", 0x1) called
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL("/home/jameson/lib/ggi/display/", 0x1) called
LibGGI: hand.handle=ef7c083c
LibGGI: hand.init=ef5c1730
LibGGI: hand.cleanup=ef5c1dbc
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL returned 36668
LibGGI: X-target wants display saturn:5.0
LibGGI: X: has display saturn:5.0
LibGGI: X: has screen 0
LibGGI: _ggiAddDL(392a00, "helper-mansync", "(null)", 0x0) called
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL("/home/jameson/lib/ggi/display/", 0x0)
LibGGI: hand.handle=ef7c14c4
LibGGI: hand.init=eebe104c
LibGGI: hand.cleanup=eebe10e0
LibGGI: _ggiLoadDL returned 36848
LibGGI: 0 = dlh->init(392a00,"(null)",28480) - helper-mansync
LibGGI: X: Enabling use of XSHM extension
LibGGI: _GGI_mansync_init(): nrvisuals = 1
LibGII: Allocating input structure
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAllocate(378898) called
LibGII: Got queue_set: 15b5a0
LibGII: giiOpen adding "xwin", "", efffe570
LibGII: _giiLoadDL("xwin","Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

ggiOpen() is called by this function:

ggi_visual_t openVisual()
  ggi_mode mode = {
    1, // 1 frame
    {320,200}, // resolution
    {320,200}, // virtual
    {0,0},     // size in mm
    GT_AUTO,   // color depth
    {GGI_AUTO,GGI_AUTO}}; // font size
  ggi_visual_t retval;

  retval = ggiOpen(NULL);
  if (ggiSetMode(retval, &mode)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Evading to different mode...\n");
    if (ggiSetMode(retval, &mode)) return NULL;

  if (colors_uninitialized) {
    colors_uninitialized = 0;

  return retval;

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Or is this a problem with libggi
on Solaris?



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