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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 16:45:54 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Troubles with ggiSetEvent

Hi !

> One side, you have a set of giixxx Verbs which wants some gii_input_t
> context.
> In application, you're dealing with some ggi_visual_t.
> How are you doing the link between both ? (I found it by myself).

The visual contains a pointer to the input. However this needs to be kept
hidden from the user application for upgradeability.

> I don't know why their is such a double declaration like :
> 	giixxxEvent  <---> ggixxxEvent
> It is double work to stay up to date with gii library API.

The ggi* functions are there for convenience and separation of LibGGI and 
LibGII. It is possible to get the gii_input_t of a visual by calling 

> Shall we have simply a function like :
> 	gii_input_t ggiGetInput(ggi_visual_t);
> and tell the developper if he wants to get some input, he has to call that
> function to get the
> handle, then use it with the giixxx verbs (something like : please refer to
> man page for gii library for more information).

This is possible, but couples LibGGI forever to LibGII. 

I like to keep things separate, which allows for more flexibility.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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