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  From: Bob Barry <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 08:42:16 +0200

Re: Multiple ATI Video Cards

Andy -

On Fri, 07 May 1999, you wrote:

> > I have installed two ATI Mach64 Rage II C video cards on a 686 machine
> > running Redhat Linux 5.2 with kernel 2.2.7.  The kernel was compiled with
> > framebuffer and ATI options enabled.  Video card 0 works fine and seems 
> > completely normal, but card 1 just shows a screen full of about 50 vertical
> > green lines.  I have swapped monitors, and swapped cards, and the anomoly
> > stays with card 1.  
> It is bound to the _card_ right ? Not to the PCI-slot it is in - or ?

Sorry, my terminology was sloppy.  By "card 1" I meant "the card which is
attached to fb1", and this really goes with the "slot", not the "card which is
plugged into the slot".

> > GGI's demonstration programs run fine on fb0.  
> > With GGI_DISPLAY=fbdev:/dev/fb1, the GGI demos do not interefere at all
> > with the fb0 display, but their output on the fb1 monitor is barely
> > recognizeable.  Afterwards, the fb1 display returns to vertical green lines.
> Could you describe barely recognizeable ?
I ran GGI program "demo".  Knowing what to expect from viewing "demo" on fb0,  I
could see an appropriate flurry of activity in approximately the right color
scheme at each keypress, but the the screen display had no recognizeable shape.

> If you have some programming skills, looking into the ATI driver sources
> might help. If not, maybe we can find someone with the same problem or
> living close enough to you, to come over for a beer and some hacking :-).

Beer sounds a constructive approach.


Bob Barry

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