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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 12:44:33 +0200 (MEST)


Hi !

> I'm having some trouble with XGGI, though I'm not sure if it's XGGI or
> just ggi that is causing this trouble.

It's the stock kernel fbcon drivers not doing automatic modeline
negotiation like kgicon drivers do.

> When I run XGGI, it starts up in 640x480 mode. That is great. 
> The only problem is that my mouse doesn't work, so there's not 
> much I can do. 

Have you configured your mouse ? If you have SVGAlib installed, I recommend
to set your mouse in /etc/vga/libvga.conf .

> Also, no windowmanager starts up (is that related to not using xinit to 
> start the server?). 

Yes - xinit is basically a script like "start server; wait for it being up;
launch .xinitrc;wait for termination;kill down server;".

I use a script like this:


(export DISPLAY=$DIS ; sleep 3; fvwm2 & sleep 1 ;\
 xmodmap /usr/local/lib/ggi/xggikeymaps/xggimap.base ; \
 xmodmap /usr/local/lib/ggi/xggikeymaps/xggimap.de_de \
) &

exec XGGI $* -noxfreeemu

> If I start with -modes 1024x768, my screen goes black. The same happens
> with 800x600. Do I have to configure my screen somewhere? 

If you use the kernel matrox driver, you have to

1. Set up /etc/fb.modes. This works by setting up the modes you want with
fbset, adjusting them until you like the result and then copying the
output of fbset into that file and changing the "tag" to something like
"800x600x8" for quick access with "fbset 800x600x8".

2. Get a current CVS snapshot or wait for Beta2.1 which will be released
RSN. The new version of LibGGI will parse the fb.modes file and negotiate
geometry as appropriate.

> I've noticed a bug(?) in XGGI. When I press Ctrl-Alt-BS to kill the
> server, I have to use the Ctrl-button on the left hand of the keyboard. If
> I try to use the right one, nothing happens. 

Yes. LibGGI makes a distinction here. Do you think it is important to be
able to kill it with _both_ combos ?

> Oops, almost forgot: Matrox Millenium I with 2MB, matroxfb, linux 2.2.6,
> XGGI 1.6.0 (compiled from the full source).

*grin* good you didn't forget... helped me a lot to diagnose your problem

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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