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  From: Or Elnekaveh <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 16:39:17 -0500

RE: Sprites in video memory (Quick Summary)


I'd like to summary on the issue of "Sprites in Graphics Memory", it is
based of my understanding of this thread/source.

1. Creation of such entities is possible with the memory target, but you
need to create multiple visuals though if you to create different sizes.

2. In some cases it might not be as fast the images that resides on VIDEO
RAM, or might not be accelerated for other functions (drawings).

3. Currently there is no GGI API to wrap it.

In my view those entities (sprites, surfaces, drawmaps, pixelmap, etc.) are
platform dependent:
On some platform a simple malloc will do, on others it might be
hardware/software specific - I know a few some of those.

There should be a fall though situation where the driver first attempt it's
own default for those entities, and then falling to a default of
malloc/system ram.

The need:
Some application needs to load some images into video ram, do some further
construction work (merge, copy, draw) - within the video ram, and only then
Blit them into R/W frame. 
What is also missing is how to set the mixing mode when Blitting.

Comments, please.


 Or Elnekaveh - MoreCom, Inc. 2 Walnut Grove Dr.  Horsham, PA 19044
 Tel. (215) 773-9441  FAX (215) 773-9401

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