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  From: Daniel Elenius <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat,  6 Mar 1999 16:34:47 +0100 (CET)

DGA target kills my X.

I have a working libggi on my box now, but when I try the DGA target
(after doing export=GGI_DISPLAY=DGA), one of two things happen with
the demo programs:

1) It gives an error message like (from the warp demo):

daniel@i203:/usr/src/degas/lib/libggi/programs/demos/warp-ggi# ./warp cthugha.pcx -d 32
LibGGI: Failed to set mode: 320x200.[C24/24]
Error switching to 320x200 24 bpp mode.
Under X, try using -d depth_of_your_screen.

Note that 32 IS the depth of my screen.
Same thing happens with the warp demo on KGI.

2) It kills the X server, throwing me back to my xdm login screen.

I can run other programs under DGA successfully (or at least in
fullscreen borderless in X, which means it's DGA right).

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

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