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  To  :
  Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 12:23:32 +0100 (MET)

Re: KGI, how to use it

> > I assume you mean selecting riva, because there isn't a riva tnt option.
> That's true. So, how will make know what kind of riva it's supposed to
> be?

I assume it detects it from the PCI PNP abilities.

> So, there's no way of switching modes when using the VESA fb driver?

Yes. Due to the way VESA 2.0 works. VESA 2.0 does not have protected mode
call for changing video modes. The VESA driver just sets up a mode and
fins out where the linear framebuffer is.

> > Another note: using the vesa and kgi modules at the same time requires
> > more
> > work, ie con2fbmap.
> Where do I find that program?

In kgicon/util . Type make;make install.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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