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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:37:57 +1100

Re: Sprites in video memory

Or Elnekaveh writes:

>  I am looking into a similar problem, how do you support
>  Bitmaps/PixelMap/DrawMap/Surface (which are all the same).
>  I want to have the ability to draw primitives on something different than
>  the Display or R/W frames.
>  Some times you want to assemble the Display or RW frame from various smaller
>  pieces. You don't necessarily want to use an entire screen. 
>  I know that on MS DirectDraw you can define a Surface at any size and draw
>  on it. You can put your bitmaps/sprites on different surfaces and then BLT
>  them.
>  Is it possible with GGI? Allocating, Destroying, Point the visual to them
>  and painting/Blitting. They should (preferably) reside on the video ram.

Yes it is possible, with the "display-memory" target of LibGGI.  You can
ggiOpen("display-memory", NULL), set a mode, draw on it, and ggiCrossBlit
it to another visual.  The programs/demos/demo.c file has an example.

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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