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  From: PAX! <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 15:13:25 +0100

Re: General Graphics Programmers Guide

Brian Julin wrote:

> overlord, to make the illustrations reappear, as the good
> spirits dia, xcircuit, and tkpaint are all too young to work
> that level of magic.  Actually tkpaint might be able to,
> but he cannot travel to the city of Debian due to a broken
> lim^Hb, so he has not been able to try.  If you know any other
> such spirits you should send them this way.

Ave, practitioner of The Art. To forge arcane illustrations I use to
invoke mighty, shiny spirits known to the mortal world as Gimp and xfig,
wich can work any level of magic...

Los que ven alguna diferencia entre cuerpo y alma
es que carecen de ambos
				Oscar Wilde

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