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  From: Daniel Elenius <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri,  5 Mar 1999 17:41:03 +0100 (CET)

Re: KGI, how to use it

I recompiled my kernel without the module versioning like someone
suggested, and now I got the .ver files. But KGI make still doesn't
work. I get messages like this:

dependencies in /usr/src/degas/kgicon/kgi/monitor/generic

Is that an error? Anyway there's no kgicon.o file or anything like
that anywhere after make.

Also, I did chmod +x on all files in the riva subdirs, but I still
can't select riva tnt in the chipset and ramdac menus.

Would be great to get it working, I would like to try the Riva TNT
driver and hopefully help to debug it.

And I still haven't got the kernel to recognize my VESA fb driver. I
find no info in the kernel docs that helps me. Shouldn't it be enough
to have append="video=vesa" in the right place in lilo.conf?

Sorry if you think I'm a PITA, but these things are not trivial, at
least not to me.

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

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