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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 30 Mar 1999 05:35:48 GMT

Brain Fell Out

  Hiya there. Here's Jason's Status:

	My brain fell out. There has been no progress on GGI Console
for over three months, I seem to have lost interest, mainly due to 
Steffen's new KGI work [which makes GGI Console practically redundant]
and the fact that Geert and the FBCon folk are FINALLY grasping the need
for unified input drivers. 

	A couple of people from FBCon have looked at GGI Console and
have a few salient points:

	1) The concept of a unified input event mechanism is needed
	   in the kernel.

	2) The console emulation (VT) and framebuffer (/dev/fb)
	   must be independent code.

	3) GGI Console solves more problems that it's worth. If
	   people actually USED their consoles 99% of the time,
	   it would be work the kernel internal API bloat.

	4) Event{Stack,Filter} management is a BEAR. It's actually
	   hard [at least for me] to create a usable multi-head,
	   multi-input VT management systems that has all the
	   semantics I wanted.

	Oh well. This is _officially_ the end of my involvement 
in the GGI Console project. If anyone wants to take it up, go
ahead - I'll provide all the support you want. But I'm done with
the beast for now. 

	BTW: I still have a Dec Alpha Multia and a 603e based 
PowerPC, and I don't mind testing ports, or even writing 
display/input drivers. The core, however, has me licked.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -
  I can't wait until the point where free Linux CD's or other paraphenalia is 
included in cereal boxes.  That truly will be the cherry ontop of our madness!
  -- Mike A. Harris <> on

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