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  From: WHS <>
  To  : GGI <>
  Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 22:25:28 +0100


Jon M. Taylor wrote:

> > Nuked a macro that by GCC 2.8.1
>         You should really try to avoid using any "official" FSF versions
> of gcc >  They are all quite buggy.  EGCS should be used unless
> there is a good reason not to, its the standard now for sure.

That's what I thought a while back but it's not quite so simple. GCC 2.8
generates better code for example. There was a summary of a comparison
by Marc Espie (IIRC) on the OpenBSD tech mailing list (if there's
interest I'll dig it up) .

Anyway, the OBSD kernel is compiled by GCC 2.8 so there's really not
much choice (just switching compilers will trigger bugs you're not aware
of etc., which is why FBSD still uses GCC 2.7.x (unless they've switched
very recently)).


GSI (pcm/midi/cd/mixer), GGI, descent, OpenBSD:

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