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  From: Brian Julin <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:28:26 -0500 (EST)

Re: Visuals 'n stuff

On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Jim Kjellin wrote:
> >From what I've gathered surfaces should be replacable with memory-visuals
> under ggi, problem is though
> when i tried this i got nothing.

Could you post a code snippet so we can try to figure out why it 
isn't working?

> Looking at the demos for answers didn't give much since they were all
> diffrent implementations but I couldn't find any which used multiple
> visuals.
> Am I on the right track here or do I need rethink the route?

Yes.  I'm working on something a little more tuned to what you
want to do with surfaces (that gets rid of the need for having 
one full visual for each surface) but the way you are doing it now
should work just dandy. 

(There are still a lot of hurdles to overcome before I'm done 
with the surface target/extension, but the end product will be such that
if you take all your surfaces that have a similar layout and put them
in a tiled arrangement in a single memory visual, then it will be easy
to tweak the code to use the new interface.)

P.C.M.C.I.A. stands for "Plastic Connectors May Crack If Adjusted"
                                                             -- me
Brian S. Julin

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