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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 23:14:41 +1100

Re: Installing libGGI -- new ATI card

Paul Fredrickson writes:

>  Second try:  use the vesafb.  Am I correct in assuming that the fbdev target
>  works on top of any fb device


>  HOWEVER, with vesafb loaded (0 VESA VGA), some demos (demos, flying_ggis,
>  and stars) work while the others won't.  I've attached the debug output in
>  case someone can tell me why GGI  can't switch modes.
VESAFB is limited to one mode, set at boot time.  This is because VESAFB
calls the video BIOS (VESA 2.0) which is (AFAIK) unavailable after the
switch into protected mode.

Please read the "Framebuffer HOWTO", you can find a link to it (actually
to Alex Buell's page which contains it) from the "Other GGI Links" section
off the main GGI webpage (  That should shed
some light on the Linux FB stuff...

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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