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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:09:53 +0100 (MET)

Re: /dev/fb && || /dev/kgicon

Hi !

> I will admite right up front that I do not much follow this aspect of ggi,
> but is the use of one or the other exclusive or inclusive ie can you have
> both on your system. I would hate to have to boot to different kernels for
> apps written to the different one. Or can that be redirected using
> targets? 

KGI drivers a fbcon drivers like any other fbcon driver. They just have some
nifty features like autocalculating modes and such.

You can use them with the same kernel (tried that, works fine), _but_ due
to some fbcon stupidity you can't unload an fbcon driver, so you usually
can't switch drivers on the fly.

Also note, that you don't need different targets for accessing "real" fbcon
drivers and kgicon ones. The fbcon target will detect  a kgicon driver and 
then use the acceleration features it offers.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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