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  From: WHS <>
  To  : GGI <>
  Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:44:43 +0100

KGI, descent/gsi webpages


Descent/GGI/GSI web pages:
Are now at the address below so update any links now please.

KGI on OpenBSD:
Don't expect fast progress (I think most has been done though) on the
OpenBSD port as I'm working on other stuff too (like the obsd sound
system, and of course GSI).

Here's a few details (mailing from linux, not obsd, so from memory):
kii.h contains 2 kgi_* types which should be kii_*.

Moved all kgi/kii stuff (including headers) to /sys/dev/kgi and
Moved GGI headers to /sys/ggi (all the libggi stuff will go there too).
(public headers also go into /usr/include/dev/kgi, /usr/include/dev/kii,

Nuked a macro that by GCC 2.8.1 (at least with the options the obsd
kernel is compiled with) is regarded as a function, this is
__SYS_INT_...TYPES(arg) or something. This macro is useless and obscures
things (I think there was another such typedef mania macro). This means
adding typedefs in kii.h and kgi.h.

Changed __KERNEL__ to _KERNEL.
Changed DEBUG_LEVEL to KGI_DEBUG_LEVEL as DEBUG_LEVEL is used by obsd.
Put #warnings in a macro that is only expanded if KGI_DO_WARNING is

The KGI/KII headers (the standard + the stuff in config) could use some
reorganization and simplification, and the dependency on <ggi/system.h>
is really bad (which btw includes <sys/time.h> & <unistd.h>, which is
not available during kernel compiles!! so, commented those out for now).
All in all there are too many typedefs for the 8/16/32/64 bit types.
Libggi uses this, KGI that, blah blah blah.

Of course, had to add/change vt stuff etc. etc.

Mailing lists:
Ok, so what's new with the mailing lists ? Is everyone on holiday or


GSI (pcm/midi/cd/mixer), GGI, descent, OpenBSD:

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