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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:09:31 +0100 (MET)


Sorry. I have forgotten something to mention

> To all:
> About two years ago, I had programmed a fully 3d-library. It includes:
> 	fixed point math, edge spanning on polygons, textures, flat- and
> 	gouraud-shading, morphing and some more...

	zbuffer also
> Now I am porting it to ggi. The port is still alpha, but quite stable.
> The port called 3DtoolKit (3dtk) includes now:
> 	fixed point math, edge spanning on polygons fully
	zbuffer (fixpoint version)

> 	float point math, flat-shading partly
> There are also known bugs :-(, look in the file TODO for a deskription,
> but together we get the bugs!
> My future plan is to include it in the libggi3d.
> For the final alpha2 release, the bugs must be fixed.
> For the final alpha3 release, textured polygons and gouraud-shading are
> planed.
> The beta1 I planed has morphing and fully float point math.
> Some demos are existing also:
> 	fix_stars	test program if the fix point math works
> 	flo_stars	test program if the float point math works
> 	fix_cube	test program if the polygon routines using the
> 			fixed point math works
> Critic, questions, bug reports, improvement suggestions, patches and bug
> fixes are always welcome!

Andy will upload every release to .
Thanks Andy!


Christoph Egger

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