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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:16:19 +0100 (MET)

Re: 3d-graphics

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 wrote:

> I uploaded your 3D-toolkit in, so our
> developers can have a look and help you porting ...
Thanks Andy!

To all:

About two years ago, I had programmed a fully 3d-library. It includes:

	fixed point math, edge spanning on polygons, textures, flat- and
	gouraud-shading, morphing and some more...

Now I am porting it to ggi. The port is still alpha, but quite stable.
The port called 3DtoolKit (3dtk) includes now:

	fixed point math, edge spanning on polygons fully
	float point math, flat-shading partly

There are also known bugs :-(, look in the file TODO for a deskription,
but together we get the bugs!

My future plan is to include it in the libggi3d.

For the final alpha2 release, the bugs must be fixed.
For the final alpha3 release, textured polygons and gouraud-shading are
The beta1 I planed has morphing and fully float point math.

Some demos are existing also:
	fix_stars	test program if the fix point math works
	flo_stars	test program if the float point math works
	fix_cube	test program if the polygon routines using the
			fixed point math works

Critic, questions, bug reports, improvement suggestions, patches and bug
fixes are always welcome!

Andy will upload every release to
Thanks Andy!

Oh, by the way: I am doing the military job in Muenchen till 31.08.1999
now, so that I can only spend programming time for 3dtk at the weekend.
Sorry. :-( But I have holidy from 02.04.1999 to 11.04.1999! :-)


Christoph Egger

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