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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 19:50:53 -0800 (PST)

Re: Mouse in GII is acting wierd

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > 
> > > Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > > >
> > > >         So now I have 2D accels working on my driver, and I want to fire
> > > > up XGGI and test things out.  But my mouse just pegs itself at the top of
> > > > the screen and jitters around when I move it, and the buttons don't work
> > > > at all.  inputdump.c gives the same results.  Yes, I explicitly set
> > > > GII_INPUT=linux-mouse:ps2,/dev/psaux - no difference at all.
> Ah! For LibGGI applications the env variable to set is GGI_INPUT,
> but as it actually responds to your movement it means that an incorrect
> protocol is selected somewhere else.
> The fbdev and other Linux console based targets tries to extract 
> what mouse you have from the SVGAlib config file. 

	Ugh.  OK, that must be the problem then.  [Checks] yep, it was set
to 'Microsoft'.  Can I ask why this check is done instead of checking what
/dev/mouse is linked to?  That should _always_ be correct or your mouse
will not work in anything.  Even checking /etc/X11/XF86Config would be
more reliable than checking the SVGAlib config - RedHat installs SVGAlib
by default, but does not configure it.  Therefore, anyone like myself with
a 'full' RedHat install who has never bothered to configure SVGAlib will
always have an SVGAlib config file, but the odds are that it'll be
configured wrong - it defaults to a Microsoft mouse, but almost everyone
these days has a PS/2 mouse.  Please consider making SVGAlib the option of
last resort if /dev/mouse and /etc/X11/XF86Config cannot provide the info. 

> Either check that
> the mouse is properly configured there, or create a file
> ~/.ggi/input-linux-mouse containing the lines
> mouse PS2
> mdev /dev/psaux
> which will then override the SVGAlib config file.

	Don't we have this same config info somewhere in /etc/ggi/?  If
not, IMHO we should.  .config files in the user's home dir should only be
used to overload a master /etc config file, not replace it.  You can't
always reliably autodetect everything, and the ability to easily hardwire
the config info should be present. 

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becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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