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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 09:37:32 +0100 (CET)

Matrox specs updated.

Matrox in their grace, has bestowed upon the people the benefit of
documentation for the Athena chipsets. I am very happy with this progress,
as I have been hounding them about the issue for the better part of a
year.. well not quite.. but close. Although they have not notified me
personally, I atleast have the specs. i will use this specs, in conjuntion
with what code i had already pieced togeather from other sources (who at a
first glance, seems to have gotten most things right atleast) to produce
somethign usable for older (pre STORM) MGA chipsets, on PCI for now, ISa
to come.. (how is KGI holding up to MCA btw? just a wrapper issue?), since
I have quite a bit to do in school, don't expect working result in a
while, but if all goes well, hopefully before summer :)

Johan Karlberg my great boredom, I also started hacking at a SiS 6326 driver, but
if someone is already working on this, i will fall back since my code is
100% untested.

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