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  From: WHS <>
  To  : GGI <>
  Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 12:45:49 +0100

Are the new mailing lists used?


I'm sure now that eskimo for some reason filters out my posts if made
from OBSD. This is pretty damn annoying as I hardly run linux anymore
these days, but if we're going to the new ml's this will be moot.
Are the new lists ( ready to be used ? Where can I
subscribe? When will the eskimo list be made inactive ?

Some other stuff that's a little relevant (www references to my GGI
pages will need changing).

cistron deems it necessary to spam its users with a monthly newsletter
now to which everyone is subscribed by default instead of by request !!!
:-( (with BS contents like film reviews, beginners IRC etc; give me a
break man). This behaviour is intolerable.

After destroying all arguments they gave for sending it (strange, no
response to that post, I guess they were too stupid to understand it),
they sent me another one this month (no, I didn't unsubscribe, why
should I? I never subscribed, did I?). The upshot of all this is, that
I'm going to xs4all so all my GGI/GSI/descent webpages will be at
and my mail address will be

in about a week (old address will be valid until 1 april)

I'll add a kgi obsd web page when I've got the web pages at xs4all.



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