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  From: Dennis Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 23:02:27 -0600

giiClose() coredump

        So I wrote a really simple test GGI2D program the other night
to see how GGI2D handles some weird cases in the even-odd
algorithm. It compiles and runs fine in the X target... but when it
exits, it coredumps on giiClose() with what looks like a problem in
X. I figure, given that I know pretty much zero about X programming,
that I should post it here and see if this will be transparent to
someone with a higher clue factor. Here's the source code of the
program (yeah, it's a bit messy, but it's just a test):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ggi/ggi.h>
#include <ggi/ggi2d.h>

#define DEF_X      640
#define DEF_Y      480
#define DEF_DEPTH  GT_16BIT

ggi2d_coord diamond[ 4 ] = { { 100, 0 },
							 { 200, 100 },
							 { 100, 200 },
							 { 0, 100 }, };

int main( void ) {
  int err;
  ggi_mode mode;
  ggi_visual_t vis;
  ggi_color color;

  /* Set up the visual. */
  err = ggiInit();
  if (err)
	ggiPanic( "*** startup panic, can't initialize GGI (err %d)\n", err );
  vis = ggiOpen( NULL );
  if (vis == NULL)
	ggiPanic( "*** startup panic, can't open display\n" );
  if (ggiCheckGraphMode( vis, DEF_X, DEF_Y, DEF_X, DEF_Y, DEF_DEPTH, &mode )) {
	err = ggiSetMode( vis, &mode );
	fputs( "*** using system-suggested graphics mode.\n", stderr );
	ggiFPrintMode( stderr, &mode );
	fputc( '\n', stderr );
  } else {
	err = ggiSetGraphMode( vis, DEF_X, DEF_Y, DEF_X, DEF_Y, DEF_DEPTH );
  if (err)
	ggiPanic( "*** startup panic, can't set graphics mode (err %d)\n", err );
  err = ggi2dInit();
  if (err)
	ggiPanic( "*** startup panic, can't initialize GGI2D (err %d)\n", err );
  err = ggi2dOpen( vis );
  if (err)
	ggiPanic( "*** startup panic, can't open GGI2D visual (err %d)\n", err );

  /* Fill the visual with white. */
  color.r = color.g = color.b = 0xFFFF;
  ggiSetGCBackground( vis, ggiMapColor( vis, &color ) );
  ggiSetGCForeground( vis, ggiMapColor( vis, &color ) );
  ggiFillscreen( vis );

  /* Draw the polygon in black. */
  ggiSetGCForeground( vis, (ggi_pixel) 0 );
  ggi2dFillPoly( vis, diamond, 4 );
  ggiFlush( vis );

  /* Wait for a keypress, then die. */
  ggiGetc( vis );
  ggi2dClose( vis );
  ggiClose( vis );

  return( 0 );

        It compiles fine with "gcc -Wall -pedantic -g -O -o 2dtest
2dtest.c -lggi -lggi2d". Here's the output with GGI_DEBUG=255 on....

	(It starts up, draws the screen fine, and then spews a whole lot
	 of do_blits while it idles for a couple seconds...)

LibGGI: GGI_X_flush(0x804c480, 0) called
LibGGI: _ggi_x_do_blit(0x804dce8, 0x0, 640x480) called
LibGGI: GGI_X_flush(0x804c480, 0) called
LibGGI: _ggi_x_do_blit(0x804dce8, 0x0, 640x480) called

	(Here's where I press any key to kill it.)

LibGII: _giiPollAll(0x804e138, 0xa0, 0xbffffa04) called
LibGII: GII_xwin_eventpoll(0x804e138) called
LibGII: GII_xwin_eventpoll: KeyPress
LibGII: _giiEvQueueAdd(0x804e138, 0xbffff750) called
LibGII: _giiEvQueueSetup() called
LibGII: _giiEvQueueSetup alloced 0x806a848
LibGII: Adding event type 5, size 36 at pos 0
LibGII: _giiEvQueueRelease(0x804e138, 0xbffffabc, 0xa0) called
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = 0x804e6d8
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = 0x806a848
LibGII: _giiEvQueueRelease: Plausible found.
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = 0x8066828
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = 0x8068838
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: queue = 0x804e2b8, queue->queues = 0x804e2bc, queue->queues[queue] = (nil)
LibGII: Retrieved event type 5, size 36.
LibGGI: ggiExtensionDetach(0x804c480, 0) called
LibGGI: ggiClose("0x804c480") called
LibGGI: ggiClose: closing
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x804c480, 0x804bf24) called
LibGGI: Disposing "display-x"
LibGGI: _GGI_mansync_stop() (MANSYNC_CHILD) called.
LibGGI: _GGI_X_freedbs: XShmDetach(0x804cd60, 58720263)
LibGGI: X-target closed
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x804c848
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x804c480, 0x804c67c) called
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-color"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x8050b90
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x804c480, 0x804c6e4) called
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-linear-16"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x8050e20
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-stubs"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x8050930
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x804c480, 0x804c538) called
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-stubs-2d"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x8065ce0
LibGGI: Disposing "helper-mansync"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x804de88
LibGII: giiClose(0x804e138) called
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy(0x804e138) called
LibGII: Desttroying 0x804e2b8, 0x804e2bc
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 0, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 1, 0x804e6d8
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 2, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 3, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 4, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 5, 0x806a848
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 6, 0x8066828
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 7, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 8, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 9, 0x8068838
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 10, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 11, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 12, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy going 13, (nil)
LibGII: _giiEvQueueDestroy done
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

        Ouch. So I look at it in gdb, naturally.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40004122 in _dl_lookup_symbol (undef_name=0x4010937b "_XimLocalIMFree",
    ref=0xbffffb00, symbol_scope=0x40009fc8, reference_name=0x804c9a0
    "/usr/X11R6/lib/", flags=2)
    at dl-lookup.c:70
dl-lookup.c:70: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40004122 in _dl_lookup_symbol (undef_name=0x4010937b "_XimLocalIMFree",
    ref=0xbffffb00, symbol_scope=0x40009fc8, reference_name=0x804c9a0
    "/usr/X11R6/lib/", flags=2)
    at dl-lookup.c:70
#1  0x40005711 in fixup (l=0x804c9d0, reloc_offset=134531536) at
#2  0x4000584f in _dl_runtime_resolve () at dl-runtime.c:138
#3  0x4014191d in XCloseIM ()
#4  0x401a34c3 in GII_xwin_close (inp=0x804e138) at input.c:386
#5  0x400c451b in giiClose (inp=0x804e138) at gii.c:723
#6  0x40017263 in _ggiDestroyVisual (vis=0x804c480) at visual.c:280
#7  0x40013b91 in ggiClose (visual=0x804c480) at init.c:387
#8  0x8048b17 in main () at 2dtest.c:60

        This is XF86 3.3.3 on a 2.0.36 Linux kernel, running the March
14th snapshot of GGI, which I just compiled tonight. I'm a little
boggled. Is there anything blatantly wrong about this situation, or is
this a GII bug, or an X bug, or... what? I'll poke around it more
tomorrow, but I thought I'd throw it out here in case anyone who knows
this stuff better could spot the problem.

        Hope this helps...

Dennis Taylor           "Anyone whose days are all the same and free from       want inhabits eternity of a sort."  - Peter Hoeg
   PGP Fingerprint: E8D6 9670 4FBD EEC3 6C6B  810B 2B30 E529 51BD 7B90

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