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  From: Nathan Strong <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 17:01:00 -0800 (PST)

Re: degas observations

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> > lib/*/INSTALL
> > 
> > Talk about your useless documentation. Why exactly should/shouldn't I  use
> > any of the --disable/enable options?
> If you don't know you shouldn't use any of them.
> We should probably state that.
> > What commands should be used to build the libraries?
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> which is clearly stated in INSTALL.autoconf

Woops. *whacks himself with a giant "RTFM" stick* :)

> > Which libraries absolutely need to be built?
> None. Or all. Depending on what you want to achieve.
> Anything special you have in mind?

Well, just the basics needed for at least running the demos. It would also
be nice to know which libraries need to be built in which order (i.e. I
think they're all dependant on libgii, at least that's the impression I
got from the INSTALL file).

> Well CVS is for development, and if anyone feels that would help
> development he's free to add the functionality, but then make sure
> it works.

Given that we're already telling people to use the latest snapshots
instead of the "beta1" release, I'd say it's as much for end-users as it
is for "developers" (not sure if you mean library developers, or actual
software developers who want to use the libraries here). And yes,
simplifying installation would make developing with the libs (not
developing the libs themselves) quite a bit easier. :)


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