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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 23:08:05 +0100 (MET)

Re: degas observations

Hi !

> > It'd also be nice to have a toplevel makefile in the lib/ directory that
> > builds the "absolutely necessary" libraries.
> Well CVS is for development, and if anyone feels that would help
> development he's free to add the functionality, but then make sure
> it works.

*grin* catched that sidekick :-). 

Hmm - I have a "buildall script" here which I use for complete recompiles.

It basically looks like this:

echo "Building LibGII"
rm -rf libgii.out
cd libgii
cd ..
mkdir libgii.out
cd    libgii.out
echo "About to install LibGII - please make me root."
su -c "make install"
cd ..
[... repeat with other lib ...]

We could add that to the distribution if you like. Though someone with
better scripting abilities should beautify it a little before commiting :-).

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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