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  From: Nathan Strong <>
  To  : GGI Mailing List <>
  Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 05:23:57 -0800 (PST)

degas observations

I'm not sure if there's any sort of target set for a beta2 release, but in
case there are, I'd like to make some observations concerning the
installation instructions.

Frankly, they really suck :) What follows is a synopsis of what needs to
be changed/added.


- The kernel configuration section is completely inadequate. Which items
  exactly need to be chosen in 'make config'? What about 'make
  menuconfig'? It'd also be good to reccomend here  that the "magic sysrq
  key" option be enabled, "just in case."
- I want to personally clobber whoever suggested the boneheaded idea of
  building fbset *after* insmodding the KGI module. This should clearly be
  done beforehand, because if something goes screwy during the insmod
  (like, say, being stuck in 40x12 column mode *cough*), doing much of
  anything becomes ostensibly difficult.


Talk about your useless documentation. Why exactly should/shouldn't I  use
any of the --disable/enable options? What commands should be used to build
the libraries? Which libraries absolutely need to be built? None of these
are addressed.

It'd also be nice to have a toplevel makefile in the lib/ directory that
builds the "absolutely necessary" libraries.

Anyway, enough ranting on that subject. :)

I got the ET6000 driver to install correctly, although upon insertion it
is still  only reporting 64k memory.. is this normal? It also hard-locked
my computer when I tried to run the stars demo...  oops.

I'd run it again with GGI_DEBUG=255 but I haven't bothered  recompiling my
kernel yet. ;)


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