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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:00:55 +0100 (MET)

Re: first atemp GGI

Hi !

> i tried just this (with root-permission)
> # insmod kgicon

You should only need root up to here, if you have sufficient perms on /dev/fb,
but it doesn't hurt either.

> # ./demo (./pageflip and other examples...)

> > That might interfere with the kbd stuff.
> what's kdb??


> but how can i solve my problem?

1. Compile in the MAgic-SysRq key (in the kernel), and read the docs about 
it in  /usr/src/linux/Documentation. Really read it or print it. When you 
need it, the system will be locked up, so reading it up on demand won't 
work ;-).

2. If you encounter a problem with LibGGI, first try turning on debugging.
Set the environment variable GGI_DEBUG=255, then run the demo.
For example: bash$ GGI_DEBUG=255 ./demo

3. If that doesn't help, try strace. bash$ strace ./demo

Send me the logs, if you can't figure out the problem yourself.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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