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  From: Or Elnekaveh <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:08:09 -0500

Win32 port


I am writing an API compatible win32 port with DirectDraw 3 support. It is
in pre-alpha stage. Some graphics is available and I can send a screen shot
if someone is interested. It is not nothing more than a "hello world", and
some boxes though.

It my first windows and Direct Draw app, but I am planning on releasing it
as soon as it will be more stable.

There are big differences between the way DD works and GGI model, some are
difficult to solve. For example, on DD you cannot access screen without
Locking it, and Unlocking afterwards.



BTW: The target works on DirectDraw 3 - and running under windows NT.

 Or Elnekaveh - MoreCom, Inc. 2 Walnut Grove Dr.  Horsham, PA 19044
 Tel. (215) 773-9441  FAX (215) 773-9401

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