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  From: Nathan Strong <>
  To  : GGI Mailing List <>
  Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 04:51:26 -0800 (PST)

Re: installation woes

Okay, I've tried choosing "generic" for the monitor and "VGA" for
everything else, and now when I insmod the driver, I get:

gblues:~/ggi/kgicon/kgi# insmod kgicon.o
IBM VGA chipset driver rev $Revision: 1.16 $
vga.c:193: Giving up: FCTRL r/w test failedand no alternate PIO.

error: kgim_chipset_init failed
error: init_kgi() failed, bailing out....
kgicon.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

Using the ET6000 driver (and using redirection so I can see what's
happening), I get:

kgicon.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

Any idea what's going wrong? :\


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