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  From: Ruben <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:53:49 +0100

Re: Sprites in video memory

Adrian Ratnapala wrote:

>  > GGI one, but you must explain to me exactly what are this Surfaces or
>  > DrawMaps...
> In my scheme in pg2d I have three concepts which in GGI are all
> brought together into one object (i.e the visual).
> 1)  The Device: [...]
> 2)  The GC, [...]
> 3)  The Surface [...]

In GGL the GC makes no sense. We doesn't allow drawing primitives, and so,
allow changing color, line width, or these kind of things that the GC's have
We only allow to put objects on the screen (sprites, backgrounds, 3D objects,
text, etc.). They are more easy to mantain.
Well, I understand that a surface is only a rectangle of the video memory
(visible on the
screen or not), isn't it?
I can change this on the library without any problem, because these low level
things are
hidden for the game developer, but I think that is best to wait a bit for the
GGI support,
because surely, they will allow hardware acceleration, and if I do it myself
for GGL it
won't use any acceleration.

You said that pg2d is written in C++, well, we only use C, but we have objects
We do it like GTK. And of course we have our class diagrams :)

Please, if you want to understand me, do it directly, not in this list. It is
becoming an off topic.

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