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  From: Nathan Strong <>
  To  : GGI Mailing List <>
  Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 17:42:53 -0800 (PST)

Installation woes.

Hello everyone.. it's been awhile ;) Now that the 2.2.x kernels are
actually in production, I feel semi-comfortable re-installing GGI and
getting back into GGI development.

Anyway, I'm running kernel 2.2.3, and can't get kgicon to work at all. At
first, it would go to 40 x 12 and claim I only had 64k of video memory. I
guessed this was because I said "Y" to 'VGA/VESA 2.0 driver' when
compiling my kernel. So, I recompiled my kernel with that option off, and
now when I insmod the kgicon.o module, my monitor goes into powersaving
mode. (Fortunately it doesn't lock up my system, so I can still do a blind

When configuring kgicon, I chose "generic" for the monitor and "ET6000"
for everything else. It seems to have compiled fine with no errors. The
bloody thing just doesn't wanna insmod.

What I wanna know is:

- exactly which options in the kernel configuration need to be turned on
for kgicon to work?
- am I misconfiguring kgicon somehow?

Help! :)


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