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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 23:25:10 +0100 (MET)

Re: KGIcon/Riva TNT make problems

Hi !

> >> I tried to compile KGIcon, from the 990303 snapshot.
> >> I couldn't select riva tnt in the chip and ramdac menus, when I did
> >> something flickered by and I was back in the previous menu with
> >> nothing selected for that item. In the clock menu, I could select it
> >> though.
> >This problem is caused by missing execute permission for the
> >.configure-scripts in the "nVidia"-subdirs. You only have to fix that and
> >it will work!
> But I was root!

You still don't have "rights" to execute non-executeable files. 
Root is in power of doing anything, yes. But that one is more a "common
sense check", not a security check.

It would be annoying, if you would be able to execute any file - executable
or not - just because you are root: Say you mistakenly type ./bla.c using 
filename completion, and it would try to exec the source file instead of 
./bla as you intended.

You need to make them +x. fixbits might also help.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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