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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 8 Mar 1999 16:05:27 GMT

Re: Sprites in video memory

   Here's an idea - make the visuals _smaller_.

   Ok, let's call the function tables in the visuals the `Visual Class'.
Now, take the visual class info out of the visual structure. Replace
it with a `Class ID'.

   Now, whenever a mode is set, all that is in the visual structure
is the Class ID. For sprites, a new function ggiOpenLike(visual)
would attempt to create a new visual of the same size and bit depth
with the same class ID.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -
  I can't wait until the point where free Linux CD's or other paraphenalia is 
included in cereal boxes.  That truly will be the cherry ontop of our madness!
  -- Mike A. Harris <> on

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