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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:16:05 +0100 (MET)

Re: Dead keys

> How do we want to support dead keys?
> "sym" is fairly obvious, GIIK_VOID when a dead key is pressed and
> then the symbol when the next key is pressed. What about "label"?
> People might have both normal and dead versions of the same key,
> so we need labels for them.
> It would make most sense to add a GII_KT_DEAD, as it makes it easy
> to construct dead keys and doesn't limit us to a few keys.
> Sounds good?

Take care how the event sequence is defined.

The KII does handle dead keys the following way:

1) for the key itself, normal translation (into a K_TYPE_DEAD- typed
   symbol) is done. Thus an application receives release/press/repeat
   events for these keys with a symbol of type K_TYPE_DEAD.

2) when the second key is pressed (the one defining what has to be 
   combined with what), an extra event with keycode 0xFFFF (not to be
   translated again, generated by keycode->keysym translation module)
   and the proper keycode is sent.

This way an application that doesn't want to worry about translation 
will just take the key-press/repeat events and use the symbols (ignoring
K_TYPE_DEAD) and is fine. An application that does have to do it's own
translation stuff will ignore key events with keycode 0xffff.
> //Marcus
> -- 
> -------------------------------+------------------------------------
>         Marcus Sundberg        |
>  Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
>        Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:


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