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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 01:00:04 +0100

Re: Latest development snapshot has problems...

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:
> >
> > > Well, I would have noted if someone had said they ported KGI to
> > > another OS, believe me. ;-)
> >
> > Well, Andreas seems to have done it.
> He's to secretive about it to be counted. ;)

I can confirm that it has been done ;-)

[Sam wrote]
> > I'm going to take his suggestion and
> > review the two include files he mentioned.  GOsh, I hope that it's not
> > overly Linux dependent.  That would stink for me.  :(  I don't have mmap(),
> > nor anything even remotely related to it.  :-)

The platform it has been ported to, does have an mmap(), but it's not
required - you can use KGI with a 1:1 mapping to physical memory if you

Andreas will probably commit cleaned up/more portable code back into the GGI
tree soon. However, it took him only 2 days to do the actual porting; I
believe it won't take you much longer.. :)

> It's gotten a bit better since I separated out the Linux specific
> things from the include files, but I'd recommend you to use Steffens
> new KGI instead, as the current KGI will be more or less thrown
> away when that is ready.

Probably something will grow out of the current KGI drivers, Steffen's
new KGI scheme, Jon's work at creative, and Andreas' and my work.


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