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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 20:09:45 +0100 (MET)

Re: Dead keys

Hi !

> > No, labels aren't affected.  There is only one label per key (so you can't
> > have "normal and dead versions").

You can. I have something like that here. I have two keys to make the ' 
One left of backspace which holds ' and ` (shifted), and one at the left
of the bottom edge enter containing # and '.

The first one is usually used as deadkey, the other to make the common
Quote character.

It isn't an actual conflict in my case, as the labels are ' and #, but
it illustrates, that it would be possible.

> As mentioned above they'll want to know the label in case there
> is another (undead? ;) key with the same label.

Yep. I'm afraid we'll have to mark the labels somehow.

> > Now, should we add code to e.g. linux-kbd to do dead key processing ?

> Yes, that's the last piece missing before LibGII has the best keyboard
> handling system in the known universe. ;-)

*grin*. Your known universe. *biggrin*.

> Yep, this is exactly what I meant, just with the addition that we
> need to support dead keys in the label field for some cases.

Yep. We'd better play safe. I'm pretty sure there _will_ be a sick keyboard
that has that.

Maybe we should ask Emmanuel and a few more of the northern-Europe people,
as I'd say French and some of the northern languages make probably the
most excessive use of accents.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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